Why is My Xfinity Router Blinking White?

When your Xfinity router starts blinking white, you can find yourself scratching your head, trying to figure out how to make it stop. 

So, why is your Xfinity router blinking white? What does it mean when your router’s LED lights blink white? 

In this article, we’ll explore the possible reasons your router might be blinking white and suggest ways to get your internet connection back. 

Let’s dive in.

What Color Should My Xfinity Router Be Blinking?

Before diving into the specifics of a white blinking light, it’s essential to understand the normal functioning of your Xfinity router. 

Typically, your Xfinity router should display a consistent green light when everything is running smoothly. However, when you encounter a white blinking light, it’s an indication that something might be amiss.

On the other hand, certain colors might signal potential problems. A red or orange light, for instance, often indicates an issue with your internet connection. This could be due to a service outage, problems with your modem, or issues with the physical connection

Why is My Xfinity LED light blinking white?

One of the most common reasons for a white blinking light is an interruption in your internet service. This can be due to temporary outages, maintenance, or technical problems on Xfinity’s end.

Alternatively, the white blinking light may suggest connectivity problems between your router and Xfinity’s network. Cable connection, incorrect router settings, or a malfunction in your router can cause these issues.

Another reason for the white light might be your router’s firmware is not up to date, and your router is installing the updates. Xfinity periodically releases firmware updates for their routers. If your router is in the process of downloading and installing an update, it may display a white blinking light during this time.

If none of the above are causing you connectivity trouble, then the culprit must be your hardware. In some cases, hardware issues within the router can lead to the white blinking light. These issues could include a malfunctioning power supply, internal components, or overheating.

How Do I Fix the White Blinking Light on My Xfinity Router?

When your Xfinity router displays a white blinking light, it suggests that there’s an issue with the internet connection. To resolve this, follow these steps:

Check your internet service status 

Begin by confirming if there are any service outages or disruptions in your area. You can visit the Xfinity service status page to check for any reported issues.

Restart your router

If there are no outages in the area you live in, proceed to unplug your Xfinity router from the power source and wait for about 30 seconds. Then, plug it back in and allow it to reboot. When you power cycle your router, it can often resolve minor connectivity problems.

Inspect your cables

Next, ensure all cables connected to your router are secure and undamaged. Sometimes, a loose or damaged cable can lead to connection issues.

Update firmware

Outdated router firmware can also cause connectivity problems. Therefore, if your Xfinity router has outdated firmware, log in to the Xfinity website and check for any available firmware updates.

Contact Xfinity support

If the issue persists, don’t hesitate to reach out to Xfinity customer support for further assistance. They will help you diagnose your router and solve any issues your router might be having.

How Do I Know My Xfinity Router Is Working?

When you know whether your router is working fine, it helps you flag issues your router might pick up and you can address them before they become a major problem. 

The first thing you should keep your eye on is the light on your router. Normally, a steady green light indicates that your router is functioning properly. If it is blinking white, red, or orange, it means your router might be faulty. Therefore, run a diagnosis and address the issue your Xfinity router is having.

Next, check your internet connectivity. If your devices keep disconnecting, but there is no internet connection, it could be a sign your router is faulty. 

Finally, check for any error messages. If there are no error messages or warnings on the router’s display or web interface, it’s a sign your router’s health is fine.

Why Is my Xfinity connected, but there is no internet?

If you find you can connect to your network but you have no internet access, the issue might be your internet service. Luckily, troubleshooting the problem can solve the issue and get your internet connectivity back to optimum functioning.

Start by rebooting the devices connecting to the wifi. Sometimes, a simple reboot of your computer, smartphone, or other connected devices can resolve the issue. Next, make sure there are no outages. To do this, visit the Xfinity service status page to see if there are any reported outages in your area.

Alternatively, you can also contact Xfinity customer support. Once you explain the problem you are having, they will offer all the assistance you need to get your internet back up and running.

If all of the above fail to fix the issue you are having, try resetting your router. However, a reset will clear all your router data and any custom settings you have on your router. Therefore, you should back up any custom settings your router has before resetting it.

Why Is My Xfinity Pod Blinking White?

In some cases, the issue may not lie with your main Xfinity router but rather with your Xfinity Pods. These Pods extend the WiFi coverage of your router throughout your home. When you see a white blinking light on a Pod, it could indicate a connectivity problem between the Pod and the router.

To address this, you can start by ensuring that the Pod is within a reasonable range of the router. Additionally, checking for any interference or physical obstacles between the Pod and the router can be helpful. If the problem persists, you may need to reset the Pod to re-establish a stable connection.

How Do I Reset My Xfinity WiFi Pod?

If the white blinking light issue is specific to your Xfinity Pods, you may need to reset them. 

First, locate the reset button on the Pod. It’s usually a small, recessed button. You will find it at the back of your router. 

Next, use a paperclip or a similarly sharp tool to hold down the reset button. Hold it down for 10 seconds. After holding the reset button down for 10 seconds, release the button when the LED indicator on the Pod starts flashing. 

Once your router powers back, the Pod will reset, and you can then attempt to set it up again.


The white blinking light on your Xfinity router or Pods can be a source of frustration, but it’s not an insolvable problem. Follow the steps in this article to troubleshoot and resolve any connectivity issues you are having.  

Additionally, if you ever find yourself stuck, Xfinity’s customer support is just a phone call away, ready to assist you in getting your internet connection back on track. 

So, don’t fret when you see that white blinking light on your router. With a couple of tweaks and tricks, you can quickly get back to smooth browsing and streaming.

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